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Der beste Mann von allen… Aus dem Leben einer Frau

Der beste Mann von allen… Aus dem Leben einer Frau


So, just so you know it too. Not only do I have a longtime husband, there are a few other women who have such a rare specimen by their side.

Marie, for example, has been married to Paul for fifty years, and this is a little story from the long time of a great love

It was at the time when Marie decided to bring her beautiful garden back to shape (as appropriate). Her husband was not present, so she grabbed - still a very attractive woman - back to the strong arms of the neighbor. Let's call in Gustl. Gustl is about Paul's age. From this, one day, while drinking coffee on the terrace, this wonderful dialogue ensued.

Marie wholeheartedly: "I am so lucky that the Gustl lives next door ..."

She waves to Gustl, who is driving around in his garden. Gustl waves back.

Paul, dry and ignoring Gustl: "The next is, Paul is never there when you need him."

Marie nods: "Are not you?"

Paul grins, "But the Gustl ..."

Nodding to his neighbor. His neighbor nods back.

Marie: "That's right!"

Paul, no longer grins, "Typical."

Marie, again with all my heart and with a faint gleeful look: "The last time I asked Gustl to saw off a branch, he was there immediately ... YOU do not!"

Paul grins again and this time his grin has something dreadfull: "I worked and did not cut off my arm like your Gustl ..."

He raises his hand in Gustl's direction. Gustl also raises his hand in Paul's direction.

Marie, calmly: "He is not my gustl."

Paul: "Would be even more beautiful ... (smiles) awkward fool."

Marie, outraged: "Gustl is not a jerk ... he even tied his own arm ..."

Paul ironically: "What a hero!"

Marie, trumps: "Yes, he is. He even drove himself to the emergency room with his car ... "

Paul: "Could have driven him ... your Gustl!"

Marie: "Is not my Gustl. He wanted to spare me the long wait. "

Paul laughs aloud: "He just did not want you to be there when the doctor gets angry because he comes to the emergency room because of a small scribe. Irresponsible."

Marie, outraged: "It was not a little scratch."

Paul: "Sure and he had the sawed arm right under his arm ..."

Marie, feeling offended in her honor, trumps again: "Not under the broken one under the other, but actually he was not quite through, but sawed he was already ..."

Paul: "Well, now we're getting closer to the truth."

Marie: "Bad enough ... sawed arm!"

Paul laughs.

Marie is increasingly offended. I try to convey: "Nice if a man is still so jealous after fifty years." I turn to my divine spouse, who for safety's sake does not say a word. "Will you be that too, darling?"

The answer of my divine spouse is still - silence.

Paul, on the other hand, begins to talk about his male honor: "Me and jealous. I'm not jealous and certainly not at Gustl. But how he looks and what he has already done. Nothing. "Paul turns red. Marie puts her hand reassuringly on his arm: "Your blood pressure, take a deep breath!"

Paul calms down, puts his hand on Marie's hand, takes a deep breath. "I just do not like it when Marie exaggerates so much."

Marie pulls her hand away as if Paul were a tarantula, who immediately says, "I'm not exaggerating !!!!"

Paul: "Then that must be another Gustl, which you just think so. My Gustl ... "

Marie: "It's not your gust ..."

Paul (ironically): "Well then our Gustl ... when he last dragged stones with us, he took only the very light and I've dragged the heavy ...", Paul takes a long dramatic break, takes a deep breath and squeezes out with all the fervor of an injured man's heart, "... even though I had a herniated disc!"

Marie: "Such a theater because of a bit of a backache, the Gustl ...!" She did not get any further. Paul jumped up and in just the last second, my godfather and I could prevent him from climbing over the said wall and Gustl, who was just rummaging in his garden, missing one who had washed himself. Marie, however, smiled contentedly and for a split second I envied her and decided to become a woman for whom two men were still beating even at the age of 73 years. Among us, that did not even happen to me at the age of 18, sigh!

Illustration: Frits Ahlefeldt